Social Impact Center at EireneSustainable Agriculture Project

Report for Sustainable Agriculture Project from Narus, South Sudan 004


Eric Onguti


Agriculture initiative in South Sudan working project.


Agricultural projects started in August 2020. Mainly the project is actively involved in vegetable production for both commercial production and for household consumption.cuurrently the project is greatly helping many South Sudanese in our community both 41 direct beneficiaries which comprises of both male and female who are mostly characterised by Orphans stay in St Daniel Comboni Primary school-Narus.


  •   Tree cutting together with bush clearance in two hectares.
  •   Digging done both first and second time.
  •   Planting of seeds ( Sorghum,maize and groundnut)
  •   Transplanting of seedlings to the main garden done.
  •   Watering vegetable everyday ongoing.
  •   Killing more 17 aunt hills done which they were disturbing the crop.
  •   Temporary fencing of garden with thorny tree branches done.
  •   Motivating the workers done successfully both in kind and cash.


  • Only to maintain what has been planted in 3 hectares until harvest time.


  • 53,795 South Sudanese Pound generated from sale of vegetable.
  • Willingness of the community members towards the project.
  • Ready market for produces motivating us in this project.
  • Cowpeas seeds was produced.
  • Constant balance diet for only 41 direct beneficiaries and some indirect beneficiaries like Teachers of the school.
  • Many customers like school's and Health facilities are impressed in our vegetable which there's no need of getting means to take our produces up to market.
  • Good control of the Termites in the new farm.
  • Pay of the workers especially in greens garden went successfully.


  •  Pay or motivating workers in kind: some workers wanted to be paid in kind eg:- Food items and Clothes etc.
    1. Market is very far from their village.
    2. Others doesn't know how to count or use money.
  • Insufficient reliable water source to the support of the activities.
  • Thief still entering our garden.
  • Lack of strong fence making stray animals to destroy crop and seedlings.
  • Unbalanced gender participation in the project due to the cultural belief.
  • Means of Transport has reduce the high speed of our work mostly in the new side.
  • Limited resources to provide some training to the on Modern agricultural technologies and in Covid-19 measures.
  • Delay of signing money: some workers like taking long to sign for their money cause you find they're busy some where.
  • Others workers wanted their children to be paid in the school while they work for.


  • Capacity building of the workers through trainings on modern Agricultural technologies in vegetable and cereal crop production.
  • Provision of more water sources to ensure production through out the year.
  • Provision of chain link for fencing of the project land to address the problem of stray animals and thief of the farm products and is better if we've our own land for cultivation.
  • Needs for means of Transport will fasten our work especially moving to check the farm.


The community members are very glad for all what you're doing in our community which it has created good business to those jobless and brought great impact in their life especially those with the family.

