Social Impact Center at EireneSustainable Agriculture Project

Report for Sustainable Agriculture Project from Narus, South Sudan 001


Eric Onguti

PART 1: Appreciation:

We still continuing extending our sincere heart of thank to all the members of Eirene Organisation Japan for the great generosity towards S.Sudanese.You funded us with Agricultural projects to improve the life of the poor young people in South Sudan. We are very grateful to you and continuously pray that the Almighty  God continue guiding and directing you in your good services to the needy in South Sudan and all over the world.


We are so grateful to tell you that, the work here is going successfully although there are some difficulties but that is normal, you know beginning isn't easy. Am very glad that our project founded by you has been asked to participate in random draws organised by GENEVA SHOP in LOKI Kenya to promote and encourage their young esteemed customers and by the grace of God, our project from South Sudan won the events and we received some tools which can help in our project.we are greatly appreciate you and GENEVA for that, because without 2 of you we may not participate in that event.


We are still having amount of 16,712 KES balance in our account and 15,000KES given as a gift during the draw. Total = 31,712KES.



  • Agreement on high tax at the boarder is solved now, no charge will be at both boarder Kenya and South Sudan incase we are Transporting our goods to the working place.
  • The gifts we won last time from GENEVA SHOP received in good condition no Transportation erra.
  • Children are changing balance diet every week with the green vegetables.
  • 17 ant Hills were killed last week to control termites not disturbing the vegetable garden see the attached photos.
  • Land for our project for a while has been given by the local community.
  • Some man power offered for a while to help us in this project including those who killed the 17ant hills.


  • Weather changes and climate.
  • Communication network connection is one of the greatest challenge, kindly bear with my situation.
  • Means of Transport.
  • Office stationary.
  • Covid 19 has greatly disorganised everything that is to say travelling became very expensive and scared some when passengers are many.


  • Constant planting of the vegetable.
  • Timing of climate and weather will help us in our project.
  • There will be need for Means of Transport in near by future.
  • May be good if we do budgeting for this year.
  • This project will improve the life of some youths and widows here in our community.
  • Having our own Means of Transport and office equipment will reduce expenses.


We can't thank you enough and we have nothing to repay you back for what you have done for us only we continue putting you in our daily prayers, so that only God who knows what you're doing for his children should reward you for your service abundantly.

